Biomedical Engineering Technology – Pathways to Medical Device Manufacturing, Networking, and Cybersecurity, Summative Evaluation Report

Biomedical Engineering Technology – Pathways to Medical Device Manufacturing, Networking, and Cybersecurity, Summative Evaluation Report

Overall, the BMET Principal Investigators set out to provide undergraduate students with hands-on experiences in a simulated healthcare environment., establish a sustainable pipeline of trained biomedical engineering technicians and expand educational and career opportunities that are responsive to industry demands.

There were 711 undergraduate students in the BMET program over 13 semesters.

The analysis of students’ grades and success rates shows that most students were successful. In most semesters. The success rate was 80% or higher with the highest rate of 95.50% in the spring of 2017.

Overall, the BMET program had 1,749 participant stakeholders engaged in varying types of programming activities. These program activities included events for college students and faculty as well as events for high school and middle school students, faculty, and counselors.

In 2018, there were 61 college faculty that participated in either conferences, roundtables, or advisory board meetings.

The program hosted 27 events from 2017 to 2019. There were 14 micro-credentials created and 39 micro-credential badges were awarded to students.

Enrollment in the BMET program increased for veteran students. Veteran and women students are two categories of students traditionally underrepresented in biomedical engineering and engineering technology. Enrollment increased for both populations of students.

Based on our analysis of data from industry partners, students are prepared for the workforce in targeted areas especially areas where they demonstrate their ability to conduct standard tests, analyze and interpret data.

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