Author Name: Blackmon, A.T., Ware, F., Lett, M.

Year: 2023

Location: Atlanta, GA

Organization: Innovative Learning Center, LLC.


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100 BMA Fatherhood Initiative Program Formative External Evaluation Report Executive Summary


Researchers reported involved fathers have children who engage in less antisocial behaviors and their close parent-child relationships are proactive to demonstrate a myriad of prosocial behaviors that benefit the children, their schools, and communities. This includes a reduction in delinquency, drug use, and violent behaviors. Importantly,it was noted that the bond between fathers and children through repeated involvement contributed to the child demonstrating developmentally advanced symptoms that helped children gain control over intense emotions that could potentially lead to problem behaviors such as a lack of self-regulation and aggressiveness. Similarly, the research noted the absence of fathers contributed to an increase in negative behaviors.

Program Purpose

The 100 BMA’s Fatherhood Initiative program for responsible fatherhood aims to promote healthy marriages, economic stability, and emotional well-being through a range of workshops, case management, and networking opportunities. The program is geared towards fathers who are facing socioeconomic challenges or who have previously been incarcerated in the Atlanta area. It is designed to help adult fathers establish or strengthen relationships with their children, as well as with their spouse or partner.

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Program Objectives

The Fatherhood Initiative program objectives were to:

Frequently Asked Questions

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